Constitution and Rules of Mother Teresa School Parents' - Teachers' Association
PTA Members 2018-19
Name: This Association shall be called The Mother Teresa English Medium School, Vengurla, Parents Teachers Association.
Office: The office of the PTA shall be at Mother Teresa English Medium School, Vengurla.
The Chief aim of the PTA is to promote the welfare of the children at home, in the school and in society.
To create a better understanding between parents and teachers and among parents themselves and to ensure a harmonious relationship between the school, the home and the community.
To create the necessary consciousness among parents and stimulate their interest in the school and their childrens curricular and extra curricular activities by organising activities supplementary or complementary to activities of the school with the consent of the School Management.
To channelize the efforts of the parents, teachers and school authorities for the improvement of the quality of education imparted by the school.
To provide books and uniform and to award scholarships and other help to deserving students.
To raise funds for projects initiated by the Association and or behalf of the school.
Policy: The PTA will be a purely educational, non commercial, non sectarian and non political association. It will not interfere in the administrative policies and in the day to day administration of the school. Its role will be purely and advisory one. No resolution passed in the absence of the President will be binding on the Association.
Membership and Office Bearers:
The PTA shall consist of the Principal of the school, members of the Staff and Ordinary Members and if necessary, Associate and Honorary Members.
All parents or guardians shall be Ordinary Member. This membership, however, ceases from the date the child discontinues his studies in the school.
Friends and well wishers of the school may be admitted as Associate Members.
The Principal may appoint, every year, not more than five Honorary Associate Members, who in his opinion, would be of help to the School and the Association and the Institution. They shall be exempted from payment of any fees and be registered as Honorary Associate Members for that particular year.
Application for membership must be made on the prescribed form.
The Executive Committee shall consist of:
The Principal
Elected members of which half shall be parents and half teachers, each standard of the school being represented by one parent and one teacher. But, if sufficient nominations are not forthcoming for such class wise representation, then vacancies shall be filled up by nominations by the Principal. Such nominations need not necessarily attempt at restoring class wise representation. The executive Committee shall elect the office bearers. The outgoing Committee shall carry on its functions and duties till the new Committee takes over.
The Executive Committee may at their option, co opt not more than five members from among the Honorary Associates.
The Principal shall be the President of the Association. The other two office bearers viz, two Joint Secretaries (one parent and one teacher) and two Joint Treasurers (one parent and one teacher) who shall be elected by the Executive Committee from among its members. The term of the parents on the Executive Committee shall be for two years and of the teachers for one year. Neither parents nor teachers may be on the Executive Committee for more than two consecutive terms.
Memberships, Fees and Funds
The Ordinary membership fee shall be of Rs.50/-per year for both parents. The Principal may, however, enroll a member at a fee less than the stated amount. No fee shall be charged to staff members.
Non payment of the fee entails automatic loss of membership. Fees must be paid in advance for the year before 31st July.
All the funds of the PTA shall be deposited in a bank / post office in the name of the Association and the accounts be operated jointly by the principal & the two Joint Treasurers. The principal, whose signature shall be obligatory and the signature of one of the Treasurers shall be required to operate an account. All the funds shall be utilised for the attainment of the PTA�s objectives and activities and for payment of the Association�s administrative expenses & for purposes sanctioned by the Executive Committee.
For any special causes other than those mentioned in the objects of the PTA, a separate fund shall be constituted for that particular cause and for a particular period with the specific sanction of the majority of the Executive Committee.
There shall be an Annual General Body Meeting in July at which the Annual Report and the statement of Accounts as they stand on 31st May, if found in order, shall be adopted and the office bearers and other members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in the manner prescribed.
Vacancies in the Executive Committee, however, may be filled at a Committee Meeting.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in three months or often, if the need arises.
If an Executive Committee member continues to remain absent for three successive meetings of the Committee without due notice to the Secretary, he/she shall cease to be its member.
The quorum of the Committee and General Body Meetings shall be one third of its members. In case of lack of quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour after which the scheduled business will be transacted.
Five days clear notice shall be necessary to call a meeting of the Executive Committee and a weeks clear notice to call the Annual General Body or Extraordinary Meeting of the General Body.
The accidental omission to issue notice by the secretary or non-receipt of such a notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting so called.
A clear three days notice of the resolution to be moved at the meeting of the General Body shall be given to the Secretaries.
Accounts: The accounting period of the PTA shall be the academic year.
Elections: The Executive Committee, with the consent of the President, shall have powers to device the procedure for the election of the office bearers.
Voting: All conclusions shall be reached at by a majority of the votes of members present each of whom shall have the right to cast only one vote.
Voting Rights: All members other than Honorary Members shall exercise full voting rights.
The Constitution and rules may be amended at the Annual General Body Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Body Meeting convened for the specific purpose by the President at the request of the Executive Committee or on a requisition signed by fifty members or one third of the members, whichever is less.
Should it be found desirable to dissolve the PTA, an Extraordinary General Body Meeting shall be convened for the specific purpose and for deciding how the funds should be disposed off.